Bug 1709 - Track with accent crashes Slimserver
: Track with accent crashes Slimserver
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Player UI
: 6.1.0
: Macintosh MacOS X 10
: P2 normal (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Dan Sully
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Reported: 2005-06-24 14:02 UTC by Michael Robinson
Modified: 2008-08-18 10:54 UTC (History)
0 users

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Category: ---


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Description Michael Robinson 2005-06-24 14:02:23 UTC
Playing a track on a Squeezebox 1 with an accent in the title  causes the Slimserver to crash.

Mac Mini running OSX Tiger
Latest Slimserver nightly (6.1.0 - trunk - Mac OS X 10.4.1 (8B15) - EN - utf8) 

Music Magic Mixer is running.

Wireless Squeezebox 1

Squeezebox 1 is set up for max bitrate of 192kbps and I have LAME installed.

Wireless Squeezebox 2

802.11g wireless network

Track title: How would U feel - David Morales with Lea-Lori�n

File is ripped to Apple Lossless.

When I play this track on the Squeezebox 1, the music starts playing without a problem.

After a few seconds, the track title scrolls on the Squeezebox display.  When the e acute character in 
Lori�n appears, the scrolling display on the Squeezebox 1 fills up with "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"

After a few seconds, the music stops playing and the Squeezebox shows the message "Lost 
communication with Slimserver" (or something similar)

Slimserver has stopped and must be restarted on the Mac Mini.

I could reproduce this every time with this track.

The same problem does not occur when the same track is played on the Squeezebox 2.

The Squeezebox 2 display shows the title as "How would U feel - David Morales with Lea-Lorie?n" but 
the track plays successfully.

I changed the track title to replace the e acute with an ordinary e, and did a rescan of the music library.

The track title showed up ok and played successfully on both Squeezebox 1 and 2.

This is obviously a worksround to the problem however there is obviously something wrong if an accent 
can cause Slimserver to crash.

I get accented characters using the Special Character menu which appears in some applications such as 
Text Edit in OSX Tiger.
Comment 1 Dan Sully 2005-06-25 18:51:19 UTC
Michael - can you do a couple of things for me?

Try running without MusicMagic, and wiping your database?

Also, would it be possible to attach that file to this bug?

Is your SB1 a character or Graphics display?

Comment 2 Dan Sully 2005-07-06 16:18:05 UTC
Michael - I did some test, and believe this is fixed with a checkin I made yesterday to the best of my 

Please try out the most recent Subversion or Nightly builds. Thanks
Comment 3 Chris Owens 2008-03-11 11:28:23 UTC
This bug was marked resolved in Slimserver 6.1, which is several versions ago.  If you're still seeing this bug, please re-open it.  Thanks!