Bug 15010 - internet radio menu showing entries in wrong language
: internet radio menu showing entries in wrong language
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: SqueezeNetwork Integration
: 7.5.x
: PC Other
: P2 normal (vote)
: 7.5.x
Assigned To: Michael Herger
Depends on:
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Reported: 2009-11-01 08:23 UTC by dirk husemann
Modified: 2011-05-18 10:34 UTC (History)
12 users (show)

See Also:
Category: ---


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Description dirk husemann 2009-11-01 08:23:02 UTC
from time to time the controller will mix languages in the "internet radio" menu: i've configured "english" as the language, sometimes i will get the categories under the "music" category listed in dutch or french, rather annoying. everything else is in english.
Comment 1 James Richardson 2009-11-01 12:41:14 UTC
Dirk: what Language do you have MySqueezebox and/or SqueezeCenter set for?

Can you please power cycle (turn off / on) the controller, after doing that can you replicate the error?
Comment 2 dirk husemann 2009-11-03 00:45:59 UTC
language: both are set to "english".

power-cycling: did not really improve the situation. NOTE: it's NOT always the case that the language-mix up happens, only sometimes (and i've had french and also dutch thrown at me). it doesn't seem to happen on the SB Radio that i have (also set to "english").
Comment 3 James Richardson 2009-11-05 13:27:14 UTC
*** Bug 15056 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 4 James Richardson 2009-11-05 13:28:16 UTC
Dirk & Erling:

Can you please post the last 4 digits of your MAC address in this bug, or email it to me.
Comment 5 Erling 2009-11-05 13:39:29 UTC
(In reply to comment #4)
> Dirk & Erling:
> Can you please post the last 4 digits of your MAC address in this bug, or email
> it to me.

Here you are:
Comment 6 James Richardson 2009-11-08 15:55:26 UTC
*** Bug 15075 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 7 James Richardson 2009-11-09 10:25:39 UTC
OK, I think I know what 'may' be going on here.  Would everyone with this issue please do a Factory Reset on your Controllers.  Walk throught setup again then let me know if that changes the behavior at all.

I also need to know the Lanugage selected on your Controller, as well as the language selected on MySqueezebox (dot) com.
Comment 8 Hans Zetterberg 2009-11-09 10:33:45 UTC
(In reply to comment #7)
> OK, I think I know what 'may' be going on here.  Would everyone with this issue
> please do a Factory Reset on your Controllers.  Walk throught setup again then
> let me know if that changes the behavior at all.
> I also need to know the Lanugage selected on your Controller, as well as the
> language selected on MySqueezebox (dot) com.

Please notice that i have this error (mixed languages) on my Squeezebox Radio in the Kitchen. I do not own a Squeezebox Controller. Should I also do a factory reset?
Comment 9 Erling 2009-11-09 10:37:54 UTC
(In reply to comment #7)
> OK, I think I know what 'may' be going on here.  Would everyone with this issue
> please do a Factory Reset on your Controllers.  Walk throught setup again then
> let me know if that changes the behavior at all.
> I also need to know the Lanugage selected on your Controller, as well as the
> language selected on MySqueezebox (dot) com.

Controller language: Danish
Mysqueezebox language: Danish
Comment 10 James Richardson 2009-11-09 10:56:30 UTC
Hans: Let me have your MAC address first
Comment 11 Hans Zetterberg 2009-11-09 11:02:06 UTC
(In reply to comment #10)
> Hans: Let me have your MAC address first

Here you are :)
Comment 12 Hans Zetterberg 2009-11-09 11:04:20 UTC
(In reply to comment #11)
> (In reply to comment #10)
> > Hans: Let me have your MAC address first
> Here you are :)
> 00:04:20:26:1b:e9

Ive changed language in mysqueezebox.com after this Squeezebox Radio is all english!
Comment 13 James Richardson 2009-11-09 11:30:49 UTC
Han: what was your language set to before?

Erling: I would still like you to do a Factory Reset
Comment 14 Hans Zetterberg 2009-11-09 11:35:19 UTC
(In reply to comment #13)
> Han: what was your language set to before?
> Erling: I would still like you to do a Factory Reset

Swedish (in MySqueezebox)

Also intressting to noticed that Squeezebox radio vas mixed english/swedish but the classic and boom was all swedish before i changed that in the webinterface of squeezebox server.

After i changed language in the webinterface, classic and boom is all english as they should be.

Comment 15 Michael Herger 2009-12-22 02:59:46 UTC
*** Bug 15354 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 16 Michael Herger 2010-05-02 10:44:23 UTC
*** Bug 16175 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 17 Michael Herger 2011-05-18 09:06:20 UTC
At long last I've found a reproducible case.
Comment 18 Michael Herger 2011-05-18 09:07:46 UTC
*** Bug 15108 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 19 Michael Herger 2011-05-18 09:34:08 UTC
*** Bug 11360 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 20 Michael Herger 2011-05-18 09:38:27 UTC
*** Bug 15081 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 21 Michael Herger 2011-05-18 09:40:59 UTC
*** Bug 16501 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 22 SVN Bot 2011-05-18 10:34:43 UTC
 == Auto-comment from SVN commit #32431 to the slim repo by mherger ==
 == http://svn.slimdevices.com/slim?view=revision&revision=32431 ==

Fixed Bug: 15010
Description: some menus would sometimes be shown in wrong language. Make sure the client's language is respected in all calls to mysb.com; make language part of the cache key to prevent using cached data in wrong language.