Bug 15075 - Language selected in installer isn't used for SBS
: Language selected in installer isn't used for SBS
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Windows Control Panel
: 7.5.0
: PC Windows 7
: P2 normal (vote)
: Investigating
Assigned To: Squeezebox QA Team email alias
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Reported: 2009-11-08 13:12 UTC by Hans Zetterberg
Modified: 2009-12-23 02:15 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Category: Bug

server.log (116.03 KB, text/plain)
2009-11-08 13:26 UTC, Hans Zetterberg
Wrong language, I selected English at installation (29.50 KB, image/png)
2009-11-08 16:10 UTC, Hans Zetterberg

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Description Hans Zetterberg 2009-11-08 13:12:30 UTC
When installing Squeezeserver i get a question about install language, I run Swedish Windows 7 but prefer English in Squeezeserver so i choose English but the Squeezeserver controlpanel is in Swedish anyway! The same on my Squeezebox Classic (Swedish) and Squeezebox Boom (Swedish) but the Squeezebox Radio has the correct Language (English).


I attach my server log.

Comment 1 Hans Zetterberg 2009-11-08 13:26:32 UTC
Created attachment 6286 [details]

Comment 2 Hans Zetterberg 2009-11-08 15:26:30 UTC
Correction mixed language on Squuezebox Radio to, both Swedish and English!
Comment 3 James Richardson 2009-11-08 15:55:26 UTC

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 15010 ***
Comment 4 Hans Zetterberg 2009-11-08 16:07:04 UTC
(In reply to comment #3)
> *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 15010 ***

This part of the bug remains:

"When installing Squeezeserver i get a question about install language, I run
Swedish Windows 7 but prefer English in Squeezeserver so i choose English but
the Squeezeserver controlpanel is in Swedish anyway!"
Comment 5 Hans Zetterberg 2009-11-08 16:10:12 UTC
Created attachment 6287 [details]
Wrong language, I selected English at installation

Wrong language, I selected English at installation
Comment 6 Hans Zetterberg 2009-11-08 16:10:48 UTC
added a picture of squeezebox server control window.
Comment 7 James Richardson 2009-11-09 09:58:34 UTC
The Control Panel is pulling it's language from the system, not from a preference during install.

While SBS is properly changing bases on pref file, the SBS Control Panel will always be system default.
Comment 8 Michael Herger 2009-11-09 23:29:22 UTC
QA - can you reproduce this? IMHO this is working as designed.

I changed the subject back again, as it didn't describe what the reporter is seeing. It's not about the CP only, but the server too. This most likely is the case when the installer doesn't write the correct language to the initial prefs file or that prefs file isn't read by the server/CP.

> While SBS is properly changing bases on pref file, the SBS Control 
> Panel will always be system default.

James - is this your experience or your understanding how it works? The CP should read the language setting from the prefs file as the server too.

	$language ||= getPref('language') || $os->getSystemLanguage();

...which means $language will be set to the 'language' preference, or if this fails, the system's language.

Hans - are you using any non-default folder for the settings too?
Comment 9 Chris Owens 2009-12-18 16:26:57 UTC
Changed the target until we have a clear idea of what to fix.
Comment 10 Hans Zetterberg 2009-12-23 01:34:10 UTC
(In reply to comment #8)
> QA - can you reproduce this? IMHO this is working as designed.
> I changed the subject back again, as it didn't describe what the reporter is
> seeing. It's not about the CP only, but the server too. This most likely is the
> case when the installer doesn't write the correct language to the initial prefs
> file or that prefs file isn't read by the server/CP.
> > While SBS is properly changing bases on pref file, the SBS Control 
> > Panel will always be system default.
> James - is this your experience or your understanding how it works? The CP
> should read the language setting from the prefs file as the server too.
>     $language ||= getPref('language') || $os->getSystemLanguage();
> ...which means $language will be set to the 'language' preference, or if this
> fails, the system's language.
> Hans - are you using any non-default folder for the settings too?

If this is working "as designed" why do you have an option to choose language, and that option isn't working? And I have to select language AGAIN in Squeezeserver?!.

I use ordinary settings. Are you thinking about something specific?

Comment 11 Michael Herger 2009-12-23 01:40:39 UTC
> If this is working "as designed" why do you have an option to choose  
> language,
> and that option isn't working? And I have to select language AGAIN in
> Squeezeserver?!.

With "as designed" I wanted to say it's working for me as you expect it to  
work. If it doesn't work for you, then we have to understand why.

> I use ordinary settings. Are you thinking about something specific?

You didn't change path for the server.prefs file?
Comment 12 Hans Zetterberg 2009-12-23 01:50:44 UTC
(In reply to comment #11)
> > If this is working "as designed" why do you have an option to choose  
> > language,
> > and that option isn't working? And I have to select language AGAIN in
> > Squeezeserver?!.
> With "as designed" I wanted to say it's working for me as you expect it to  
> work. If it doesn't work for you, then we have to understand why.
> > I use ordinary settings. Are you thinking about something specific?
> You didn't change path for the server.prefs file?

I have Swedish Language in Windows 7. But i prefer to have Squeezeserver (incl controlpanel in English).

I understand that you follow the languagesetting that my OS is using. But this causes mixed languages in diffrent places in Windows where i control my players.

Squeezeserver Controlpanel = Swedish 
Squeezeserver web interface = English

Do you understand what I mean? I think that the choice of the installation will apply on all different ways to control the SqueezeCenter Server

Comment 13 Michael Herger 2009-12-23 02:15:00 UTC
> Squeezeserver Controlpanel = Swedish
> Squeezeserver web interface = English

That shouldn't happen. For whatever reason they're not using the same  
setting. Because I can't reproduce this, this bug is assigned to QA to  
find a reproducible case.

Could you please post the paths section of the Settings/Information page?  
Plus the registry values stored in HKLM/Software/Logitech/Squeezebox/?