Bugzilla – Bug 3704
'Browse' lists always start at top option..
Last modified: 2008-09-15 14:39:05 UTC
The title pretty much says it all.. This is while using my SLiMP3 player with 6.3.0: Anytime I choose 'Browse Music' -> 'Browse Artists' the list starts at the top, which is 'Various Artists'. If I am in that tree and choosing around, and play a song, the next time I choose to browse artists again, it's up at the top of the list again. Previous releases didn't exhibit this problem. Which debugging options can I turn on to help the process? Thanks, Marc
I just verified this also happens in SoftSqueeze.
What exact version is this (see Server Settings at the bottom)? Can you remember when you first saw this happen?
Seems that this only applies to Artists listings. If I browse albums, genres or years, there was no problem going back to where it left off. Artist, however, does return to Various Artists.
Hmm... Ok, I can reproduce it if I've grouping of compilations enabled. There are no various artists without :-). When disabled, it correctly jumps to where I left.
problem is here: 2006-07-07 10:42:14.5014 browsedb - hierarchy: artist,album,track level: 0 2006-07-07 10:42:14.5241 last position from selection key artist,album,track:0:contributor.role=15album.compilation=HASH(0x574ea30)HASH(0x574c984) is 0 another issue with the album.compilation hash. it doesn't match up right so the last selection gets lost. Dan any tips? I'll see if I can hack up something while we wait :)
this turned out to be easy. borrowing from svn 8076, add this after line 733 of Slim/Buttons/BrowseDB.pm: if (ref($v) eq 'ARRAY' && $k eq 'album.compilation') { $v = 0; }
I can confirm this works. Thanks!
Thanks. I'll merge this inot the nightly builds tonight. Assigning to myself for reference. Dan, anything problematic that you see with this, let me know.
fixed at change 8327 for 6.3.1 nightly builds.