Bug 4368 - add album/artist metadata for radio/rhapsody streaming
: add album/artist metadata for radio/rhapsody streaming
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Streaming To SlimServer
: 6.5.0
: All Other
: P2 enhancement (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Andy Grundman
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Reported: 2006-10-13 18:43 UTC by KDF
Modified: 2008-12-18 11:12 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Category: ---


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Description KDF 2006-10-13 18:43:46 UTC
Remote streaming tracks sometimes provide album and artist metadata but slimserver isn't currently adding that as current information, similar to currentTitle.  This could be added to rhapsody playback.

see bug 4365 re: a crash when album data is missing. something to investigate is why a remote track from radiotime was subject to ReplayGain, but having album info would also avoid that problem.
Comment 1 Andy Grundman 2008-07-02 17:19:49 UTC
Fixed a while ago.