Bug 16404 - invalid JSON from server
: invalid JSON from server
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: CLI
: 7.5.1
: PC Windows XP
: P3 normal with 2 votes (vote)
: 7.7.x
Assigned To: Andy Grundman
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Reported: 2010-07-26 14:42 UTC by Stefan Hansel
Modified: 2012-01-09 08:40 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Category: Bug


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Description Stefan Hansel 2010-07-26 14:42:04 UTC
from time to time I get invalid JSON from server 7.5.1:

2010-07-26 23:12:34.798 SqueezePad-iPad[602:207] <0x1d39d0 JSONResponseEvaluator.m:(90)> Dropping invalid JSON-message: [{"data":{"seq_no":0,"mixer volume":27,"player_name":"Living Room","playlist_tracks":1,"player_connected":1,"time":11,199,"mode":"pause","playlist_timestamp":1280178454,19925,"remote":1,"rate":1,"power":1,"playlist mode":"off","playlist repeat":0,"playlist_cur_index":"0","playlist_loop":[{"playlist index":0,"id":-68341456,"title":"Blue Moon","coverart":"0","artist":"Radio Fritz 102.6","duration":"0","remote":"1","artwork_url":"http://radiotime-logos.s3.amazonaws.com/p235703q.png"}],"signalstrength":49,"remoteMeta":{"id":-68341456,"title":"Blue Moon","coverart":"0","artist":"Radio Fritz 102.6","duration":"0","remote":"1","artwork_url":"http://radiotime-logos.s3.amazonaws.com/p235703q.png"},"playlist shuffle":1,"current_title":"Fritz vom rbb live hören - www.fritz.de (c) Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg","player_ip":""},"id":"10","channel":"/ae8a735f/slim/playerstatus/00:04:20:17:1d:38","ext":{"priority":""}}]
This prevents status updates as my JSON parser is quite strict (but I also guess that SqueezePlay might get into trouble with these).

Problem here is the part

The decimal point uses german number format (and the comma is also a JSON delimiter). 
Probably the timestamp also should have decimal points - but with this radio stream it seams to happen.
Comment 1 Andy Grundman 2010-07-26 14:47:55 UTC
I assume your OS locale is set to German format for numbers?
Comment 2 Stefan Hansel 2010-07-26 15:37:08 UTC

root@STEMUSIC:/ locale
Comment 3 Stefan Hansel 2010-08-16 14:41:09 UTC
Hi Andy, 

and progress on this ?
Today I got a second parameter with wrong encoding:

Here is the full JSON I received from the server:

2010-08-16 22:46:33.735 SqueezePad-iPad[384:207] <0x6324f40 JSONResponseEvaluator.m:(97)> Dropping invalid JSON-message: [{"data":{"seq_no":"12","mixer volume":0,"player_name":"Duet Controller","playlist_tracks":1,"player_connected":1,"time":2509,156,"mode":"play","playlist_timestamp":1281938036,38556,"remote":1,"rate":1,"power":1,"playlist mode":"off","playlist repeat":0,"playlist_cur_index":"0","playlist_loop":[{"playlist index":0,"id":-78918888,"title":"Blue Moon","coverart":"0","artist":"Radio Fritz 102.6","duration":"0","remote":"1","artwork_url":"http://radiotime-logos.s3.amazonaws.com/p235703q.png"}],"signalstrength":0,"remoteMeta":{"id":-78918888,"title":"Blue Moon","coverart":"0","artist":"Radio Fritz 102.6","duration":"0","remote":"1","artwork_url":"http://radiotime-logos.s3.amazonaws.com/p235703q.png"},"playlist shuffle":0,"player_ip":"","current_title":"Fritz vom rbb live hören - www.fritz.de (c) Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg","waitingToPlay":1},"id":"6","channel":"/8efa0cde/slim/playerstatus/00:04:20:1b:25:88","ext":{"priority":""}}]
Comment 4 Stefan Hansel 2011-01-14 16:48:33 UTC
The problem doesn't happen when I reboot my SheevaPlug.

This only seems to happen after I did a 
/etc/init.d/squeezeboxserver stop
/etc/init.d/squeezeboxserver start

very strange, as I wouldn't expect it to make a difference.

Maybe when SheevaPlug is started, the squeezeboxserver is starting before the language settings are applied? And after I manually restarted the server it runs under a german locale.

(I'm still running 7.5.x)
Comment 5 Lars Simonsen 2011-12-20 11:19:30 UTC
At the risk of stating the obvious, the server should convert the number to a string, and then replace commas with periods, before adding it to the JSON object. 

Also, it's often a good idea to pass numbers (everything except boolean values, really) as strings, i.e. enclosed in double quotes. If this had been done in this case, only the "time" and the "playlist_timestamp" values would have been invalidated, not the entire JSON object. It would then have been easier to make a patch to correct it client-side before parsing.
Comment 6 Michael Herger 2011-12-20 21:57:09 UTC
Andy - shouldn't the JSON encode create _valid_ JSON, which means no localization on numbers?

We could of course make sure all those numbers are converted to strings manually, but this seems a poor plan.