Bug 6053 - Song Status Indicator Jumps
: Song Status Indicator Jumps
Product: SB Controller
Classification: Unclassified
Component: UI
: unspecified
: All Windows XP
: P3 normal (vote)
: 7.1
Assigned To: Ben Klaas
Depends on:
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Reported: 2007-11-05 18:38 UTC by ndijulio
Modified: 2008-12-15 12:37 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Category: ---


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Description ndijulio 2007-11-05 18:38:22 UTC
On the Now Playing/Screen Saver screens the text for the song status jumps when it changes time.  The appearance to the user is that the numbers are skipping or shifting on screen.
Comment 1 Richard Titmuss 2007-11-09 03:38:35 UTC
Sorry Noah I don't understand, get you elaborate? A video would be good ;)
Comment 2 ndijulio 2007-11-09 09:35:12 UTC
A video would be good...
The numbers as the time goes up or down does not change/animate smoothly.  The appearance on screen is that they skip left or right when going from 4 to 5 for example. 

I think what might really be happening is that the song status bar is shifting/scaling when the numbers change. On some times the bar grows left to right and then reduces in width when the time changes.  I am not crazy:)
Comment 3 Richard Titmuss 2007-11-15 04:16:56 UTC
Ben I'm assigning this to you with the other now playing bugs, but we should discuss the fix.
Comment 4 Richard Titmuss 2007-11-15 06:14:21 UTC
Fixed in r910. Once you've noticed it the problem is really annoying, i had to fix it!
Comment 5 Chris Owens 2008-07-30 15:28:42 UTC
This bug has now been fixed in the 7.1 release version of SqueezeCenter!  Please download the new version from http://www.slimdevices.com if you haven't already.  

If you are still experiencing this problem, feel free to reopen the bug with your new comments and we'll have another look.
Comment 6 James Richardson 2008-12-15 12:37:59 UTC
This bug has been fixed in the 7.3.0 release version of SqueezeCenter!

Please download the new version from http://www.slimdevices.com/su_downloads.html if you haven't already.  

If you are still experiencing this problem, feel free to reopen the bug with your new comments and we'll have another look.