Bug 12409 - MP3 file crashes scanner in noweb-sqlite branch
: MP3 file crashes scanner in noweb-sqlite branch
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Scanner
: 7.4.0
: PC Other
: -- normal (vote)
: 7.4.0
Assigned To: Andy Grundman
: Audio::Scan, SQLite
Depends on:
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Reported: 2009-06-16 21:09 UTC by Erland Isaksson
Modified: 2009-10-05 14:33 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Category: ---

zip file which contains the problematic MP3 file (2.40 MB, application/zip)
2009-06-16 21:09 UTC, Erland Isaksson

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Description Erland Isaksson 2009-06-16 21:09:46 UTC
Created attachment 5340 [details]
zip file which contains the problematic MP3 file

The attached MP3 file seems to crash the new scanner in the noweb-sqlite branch.
The same MP3 file works perfectly with the old scanner used in trunk of 7.4.

There is nothing special in scanner.log, the scanner just logs the filename and then dies.
Comment 1 Andy Grundman 2009-06-16 21:24:13 UTC
For future reference feel free to assign any file scanning bugs to me.
Comment 2 Andy Grundman 2009-06-17 12:04:07 UTC
This crasher is fixed in Audio::Scan 0.21.

Was this really encoded with LAME?  It looks really messed up:

~4K of null bytes between the ID3v2 tag and the first MP3 frame.
Invalid Xing header values resulting in wrong bitrate (64k vs. actual 128k average).
24kHz, why?!
Invalid encoder delay/padding values.
Other invalid bits in the LAME tag.
Comment 3 Andy Grundman 2009-06-17 12:26:32 UTC
OK I was partially wrong, the LAME tag is fine, I was just not reading it completely.  Still, you should re-encode this file!
Comment 4 James Richardson 2009-10-05 14:33:03 UTC
This bug has been marked as fixed in the 7.4.0 release version of SqueezeBox Server!
    * SqueezeCenter: 28672
    * Squeezebox 2 and 3: 130
    * Transporter: 80
    * Receiver: 65
    * Boom: 50
    * Controller: 7790
    * Radio: 7790  

Please see the Release Notes for all the details: http://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.php/Release_Notes

If you haven't already, please download and install the new version from http://www.logitechsqueezebox.com/support/download-squeezebox-server.html

If you are still experiencing this problem, feel free to reopen the bug with your new comments and we'll have another look.