Bug 9800 - No scroll bar in Lyrics screen under certain conditions
: No scroll bar in Lyrics screen under certain conditions
Product: SqueezePlay
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Applet
: unspecified
: PC Windows Vista
: P2 minor (vote)
: 8.0.1
Assigned To: Sue Chastain
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Reported: 2008-10-24 08:13 UTC by Sue Chastain
Modified: 2011-08-25 11:09 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Category: ---


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Description Sue Chastain 2008-10-24 08:13:05 UTC
This is about as minor as it gets, but I thought I would report it anyway. I often like to look at lyrics on the Controller screen by browsing from now playing > play list > song info > lyrics. (lyrics are stored in the tags of my MP3 files.) Every once in a while I will come to a song where the Lyrics screen does not show a scroll bar. I scan still scroll the lyrics up and down, it's just that the scroll bar is not shown. I'm pretty sure the common factor on the songs where a scroll bar is not shown is that the lyrics all have short lines of text so the text does not wrap on the Controller screen.

I can upload an example if you need me to, but I think you should be able to test it just by adding fake lyrics to a couple of songs... one with longer lines of text and one with short lines of text.
Comment 1 Ben Klaas 2008-10-24 08:20:25 UTC
I'll take this. Apologies, but I'm preemptively punting this to 7.4. Given the size of my bug list right now, that's going to happen regardless.
Comment 2 Blackketter Dean 2009-07-22 08:39:38 UTC
Moving to the product SqueezePlay because this bug appears to apply to any player based on that application code.  Feel free to move it back if it's specific to the single original product.
Comment 3 Richard Titmuss 2009-07-27 03:30:13 UTC
Sue, is this still a bug on fab4/baby? Thanks.
Comment 4 Sue Chastain 2009-07-27 16:45:09 UTC
I have no idea. I only ever look at lyrics on the Controller, and I have not seen this issue in a long time.

I wish I had noted the songs where I saw it happening. I'll see if I can find some to test for it.
Comment 5 Pat Ransil 2009-07-30 16:23:23 UTC
Moving to 8.0.1 because it is not confirmed.
Comment 6 Sue Chastain 2009-07-30 19:15:56 UTC
Just remembered to check again last night. It still happens on the Controller with Version: 7.4 - 26558.
Comment 7 Sue Chastain 2011-08-25 11:09:25 UTC
Marking resolved since I never view lyrics on the Controller anymore.