Bug 17381 - firmware-upgrade failing on 7.6.0
: firmware-upgrade failing on 7.6.0
Product: SB Radio
Classification: Unclassified
Component: OS/Bootloader
: Include FW version in comment
: PC Ubuntu Linux
: -- normal (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Unassigned bug - please assign me!
Depends on:
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Reported: 2011-07-31 03:26 UTC by Michel Brabants
Modified: 2011-07-31 03:39 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Category: ---


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Description Michel Brabants 2011-07-31 03:26:03 UTC

I upgrade my squeezeboxserver from 7.5.x (latest) to 7.6.0. I have 2
squeezebox-radio's on my network (one recent).

Both are not upgrading their firmware. The firmware-screen appears, but the
firmware-upgrade is failing (not even starting) on both, which blocks them
completely as I can't proceed to the normal menu's.

I'll try to install to the upgraded 7.6.1 which is hopfully ok as 7.6.0 is not
working for me. 

Personal opinion:

It feels like it hasn't been properly tested if I look around the forums. As I
alsways found that the quality-software was one of the important points of the
squeezeboxes, I hope this will importve again. I know a lot has changed in this
version (upnp, ...), but I hope this will be fixed quickly (officially).

Thank you and kind regards,

Comment 1 Michel Brabants 2011-07-31 03:39:26 UTC

I cancelled the playlist-search (which was already running 38 minutes ...) and after doing this everything seemed to work fine again - for the moment. I can play internet)-streams at least, but I hope that the next upgrades will AGAIN be smoother ...

Thank you for this nice piece of software, which will stay nice hopefully!

I'll mark the bug again as "works for me". I'll still upgrade the server probably, reading the many reports on the fora ...
