Bugzilla – Bug 15398
Make volume button 'alarm off' and navigation wheel 'alarm snooze'
Last modified: 2011-05-11 13:39:07 UTC
The current implementation of the navigation to perform 2 functions is not user friendly. When the alarm goes off in the morning, and I need to press the navigation wheel to get the alarm to snooze, I frequently slightly turn the wheel before pressing it. This results in a disabled alarm instead of snoozing it. Besides, without my glasses on when waking up I absolutely cannot see what is on the screen: I cannot see if I actually switch it off or snooze. Even the time cannot be seen. The normal big time display is good enough and I can read that without glasses on. Besides the glasses issue, it is also more user friendly if the alarm function can be controlled completely blindly, thus only by touching the device by hand. So, to make the alarm function more user friendly it is better to implement this functionality instead of the current implementation: - pressing the 'mute' button -> Alarm OFF - Pressing the 'navigation' wheel -> Alarm Snooze. When the buttons work like this the current alarm-screen is not necessary any more, and the Radio can continuing displaying the clock. It even 'feels' more logical to use the 'mute' button for alarm off...
I'll check back on this to see how many votes it has
I believe that the Power Off, Stop and Alarm buttons already stop the alarm; I don't feel that additional buttons need to perform that action. I think it would be better if pressing volume knob (usually mute) were to perform Snooze if there is an active alarm. The big control knob is already overridden with multiple meanings on multiple player types, and like you say, I think that the volume knob feels more appropriate to controlling the audio (snooze instead of pause). That would make the popup dialog redundant. That would be an improvement over the current popup dialog; but still unlikely to make everyone happy - opinions are very divided about alarm mode presentation/control. The only way to make everyone happy is to make it configurable in some form.
Clearly, the snooze function can only be handled by people with good eyesight and who are completly awake. And only if the room is brightly lighted. When I just woke up, I don't find any of those conditions present. So, for me, the optimal snooze behaviour would be like this: ANY button wil snooze the alarm, even turning the wheel. To disable the alarm, you would have to PRESS and HOLD the wheel for at least 3 seconds to avoid accidently turning off the alarm. Also, I would like the current time when the alarm fires to be bigger. Plenty of space on the screen. Maybe it's not a good idea to code these settings when fully awake. Just imagine how you feel when you're barely concious, don't have your glasses on and the room beeing totally dark. Makes a world of a difference.
I encourage you to stir up some votes on the forums for this idea.
The 'UI' component is being removed. This bug is being shifted to the appropriate new component.
I agree, this is a serious flaw in SB Radio's GUI UX design. Maybe the power-button would be a better button to turn the alarm off. (although I could live with the volume button... :)) The navigation wheel should definately be the snooze button, discarding all turn events when the alarm is active.
How about using the Alarm button to turn the alarm off when it is playing?
== Auto-comment from SVN commit #9428 to the jive repo by bklaas == == http://svn.slimdevices.com/jive?view=revision&revision=9428 == Bug: 15398 Description: Add StickyMenu widget StickyMenu is a sublcass of SimpleMenu that allows an optional multiplier that makes it more difficult to scroll down a menu
== Auto-comment from SVN commit #9429 to the jive repo by bklaas == == http://svn.slimdevices.com/jive?view=revision&revision=9429 == Bug: 15398 Description: first pass at making the alarm popup menu scrolling "sticky". Trying this out with 3x the stickiness of a normal menu, where stickiness is defined as how many more detents are needed to trigger a menu scroll.
We're not going to be changing the function of the buttons with the alarm, however the point about accidentally turning the wheel when trying to snooze with the knob and selecting "turn off alarm" is clearly a UX miss. What I'm going to do is make this menu "sticky", which is to say it will be X times more of a wheel turn to scroll from one menu to another. First experiment will be with X = 3, but I may tweak that further yet after testing with it.
== Auto-comment from SVN commit #9430 to the jive repo by bklaas == == http://svn.slimdevices.com/jive?view=revision&revision=9430 == Fixed Bug: 15398 Description: Make alarm popup menu 6x "sticker" for scrolling than a normal menu
(In reply to comment #10) > We're not going to be changing the function of the buttons with the alarm, > however the point about accidentally turning the wheel when trying to snooze > with the knob and selecting "turn off alarm" is clearly a UX miss. > > What I'm going to do is make this menu "sticky", which is to say it will be X > times more of a wheel turn to scroll from one menu to another. First experiment > will be with X = 3, but I may tweak that further yet after testing with it. Thanks! Any chance of porting this change to the 7.5 branche?
No, this won't go into 7.5. All new development is going into 7.6 now.
7.6---the scroll for the alarm is now more"sticky" ----other controls will remain the same