Bugzilla – Bug 14751
Slimtray context menu enhancements and changes
Last modified: 2011-08-22 13:43:01 UTC
as discussed here: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?p=471389#post471389 i think the "slimtray" app could be a lot more useful via right clicking and the resulting context menu. right now, here is what you get: Open Control Panel ---- Open Web Control Stop Squeezebox Server Automatically Run at login ---- Exit first things first: 1. double clicking the slimtray icon should open the webui by default, as discussed in another bug. 2. "Open Web Control" which opens the webui should be lited first, "Open Control Panel" should be second. 3. "Open Web Control" should be renamed to "Open Web Interface" or "Open SBS Home Page" or something like that. "Web control" is NOT intuitive and further is confused with "Control Panel" 4. A user should be able to pick via a checkmark which thing is opened by double clicking slimtray, if not via the context menu, then in the control panel options. (but as stated, webui should be the default) in addition: i would like to see some common tasks be made available in the right click context menu, such as but not limited to: 5. Play 6. Stop 7. Shuffle 8. Repeat 9. Random Mix (creates and auto-starts playing the rm playlist) 10. Clear library and Rescan everything 11. Scan for new and changed music 12. About (this would open control panel to the "info" tab) 13. Cleanup 14. Squeezeplay (if installed, subdued if not) this gives you an idea of what i am talking about. also, you used to be able to "detatch" the webui player into a smaller webui "remote" type window, but i think thats been killed off? if not, you could add that to the list as well.
To me it doesn't make a lot of sense having playback controls available in the tray app. It would only make (some) sense if there's just a single player connected to the server, or if all players are synced. Overall, this seems very unnecessary to me. Adding library scanning ability would be good. Maybe also a cleanup option, but if cleanup also clears the library database then it would be better left only in the Control Panel, where there's room for text that can be explain it fully.
i forgot to add "Mute/UnMute" as one of the numbers, lets make it: 6.5 jim, if you are worried about clutter you could have "sub-menus" to the context menu. so right click, and the context menu appears and one of the lines reads "player controls" and when you hover over that you get all the player control options. i agree they should be greyed out if two or more un-synced players are connected to the SBS. ("sync all clients" could be another option btw) however, i think a lot of "average windows users" will either have one client or sync'd clients, and will appreciate NOT having to go to the webui to control the music. it makes more than "some" sense, i don't like the slowness of a browser window response, nor do i want to have to even have a browser open at all. its also a great way to get things working for others [noobs] when talking to them over the phone. slimtray should be the quick and dirty way to do so. and i would want these controls immediately available on a right click without having to hover for them, so that hover option should be a configurable setting in control panel.
It's not so much clutter. The tray application and the Control Panel are server controls rather than player controls. Mixing the two, IMO, isn't a good idea. Even in the web ui, 'Settings' offers no playback control.
just b/c slimtray is currently a "server only control" doesn't mean or imply it should permanently remain that way. i don't see any problem with "mixing the two" at all. i see only very tangible benefit. its not all that different from squeezeplay. "advanced settings" could be another context menu option btw, instead of just the simpler control panel.
re-assigning Seth's bugs to Matt
I would prefer that double clicking the slimtray icon open the webui
another option: open browser to mysqueezebox.com and: download newest version ...anyway... has this enh been approved by the powers that be post bug meeting or what?
The biggest issue (opening prefpane vs. opening web UI) is now fixed. Player control I'm sorry to say is not going to happen too soon. It would add more code and complexity to the simple tray icon then there is today. Let's keep it lean and simple. Squeezeplay integration ("14. Squeezeplay (if installed, subdued if not)") might be added once we ship SP with SBS.
future = death. michael, (as i just stated in the thread), i only filed this bug b/c YOU said it was worthwhile! i said: > further, you should be able to to do some common, basic, repetitive > tasks, like a cleanup or a new scan by getting a context menu, again by > doing a right click on the systray icon. you said: "All reasonable ideas. Please file enhancement requests on bugs.slimdevices.com" and now your whole view is changed and this is a no go? i don't get it, why tell me to file the bug if you don't think it should be done? (some of these could be done in the current slimtray btw fairly easily like opening specific websites, right?)
> you said: > "All reasonable ideas. Please file enhancement requests on > bugs.slimdevices.com" > > and now your whole view is changed and this is a no go? Not a no go, just punted. No resources for unimportant yet reasonable changes.
bug 7927 bug 15774