Bug 13801 - Support usage of local SC when setting up SBC and SBR
: Support usage of local SC when setting up SBC and SBR
Product: SB Controller
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Setup
: unspecified
: PC Other
: P1 normal (vote)
: 7.4.0
Assigned To: Richard Titmuss
Depends on: 11783
Blocks: 13336 13992
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Reported: 2009-09-01 10:04 UTC by Felix Mueller
Modified: 2009-10-05 14:30 UTC (History)
5 users (show)

See Also:
Category: Bug


Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Felix Mueller 2009-09-01 10:04:36 UTC
Current setup flow always connects SBC and SBR to mysb.com.
Comment 1 Felix Mueller 2009-09-01 10:07:31 UTC
By current I mean as of r7358.
Comment 2 Felix Mueller 2009-09-09 09:30:05 UTC
Work in progress. Updating hours worked.
Comment 3 SVN Bot 2009-09-10 04:53:33 UTC
 == Auto-comment from SVN commit #7488 to the jive repo by felix ==
 == https://svn.slimdevices.com/jive?view=revision&revision=7488 ==

Bug: 13801 
Description: Work in progress.
Comment 4 Felix Mueller 2009-09-10 04:54:37 UTC
Forgot hours worked...
Comment 5 Felix Mueller 2009-09-14 00:45:23 UTC
List of scenarios:

** Scenario 1 - Standard wired or wireless setup of Jive and Ray with SN present
-- Works OK as selecting SN as music source is already at the end and it happens automatically

** Scenario 2 - Bridged setup of Jive and Ray with SN present
-- Works OKish but the user needs to select SN as music source manually and at the end she/he needs to select the just setup player also manually

** Scenario 3 - Standard wired or wireless setup of Jive and Ray _without_ SN, but with SC present
-- Works OK and the user can choose SC as music source manually at the end

** Scenario 4 - Bridged setup of Jive and Ray _without_ SN, but with SC present
-- Doesn't work properly

** Scenario 5 - Wired or wireless setup of Ray from an already setup Jive with SN present
-- Works OKish but at the end the user needs to manually select the music source

** Scenario 6 - Wired or wireless setup of Ray from an already setup Jive _without_ SN, but with SC present
-- Not yet tested
Comment 6 Marc Auslander 2009-09-14 05:42:42 UTC
I can't read between the lines so maybe this issue is included.

Please make sure I don't have to enter my SN id and password on the controller to get started.  That's what happened to me when I installed 7.4 - even though I had already entered the facts on the web interface.
Comment 7 James Richardson 2009-09-14 15:09:40 UTC
(In reply to comment #6)
Marc Bug 13726
Comment 8 Marc Auslander 2009-09-14 15:35:43 UTC
But this is a problem even on a new install.  You don't want to ask the user to enter the SN stuff on the controller if he already has a server running that knows the facts.
Comment 9 SVN Bot 2009-09-15 03:39:02 UTC
 == Auto-comment from SVN commit #7572 to the jive repo by richard ==
 == https://svn.slimdevices.com/jive?view=revision&revision=7572 ==

Bug #13801
Cosmetic fixes: remove "20:" from squeezebox name, fix "connecting to" spinny text.
Fixed to use correct server address for squeezenetwork. Note the code path for developers uses block dns, but this should not be a problem in production.
Comment 10 SVN Bot 2009-09-15 07:22:29 UTC
 == Auto-comment from SVN commit #7573 to the jive repo by richard ==
 == https://svn.slimdevices.com/jive?view=revision&revision=7573 ==

Bug #13801
udap fixes in Player.
Comment 11 SVN Bot 2009-09-16 06:50:03 UTC
 == Auto-comment from SVN commit #7603 to the jive repo by richard ==
 == https://svn.slimdevices.com/jive?view=revision&revision=7603 ==

Bug #13801
Jive/Ray setup updates. Tested with all six scenarios.

Note this hardcodes the SN ip address for testing. This must be removed before we ship.
Comment 12 SVN Bot 2009-09-16 06:52:23 UTC
 == Auto-comment from SVN commit #7604 to the jive repo by richard ==
 == https://svn.slimdevices.com/jive?view=revision&revision=7604 ==

Bug #13801
Jive/Ray setup updates.
Comment 13 Felix Mueller 2009-09-17 01:30:56 UTC
Results with r7611 - all scenarios tested three times:

Scenario 1, 3, 4, 6 are fine.

Scenario 2 (bridged with SN) only worked once and failed two times. SBR stuck on blue and SBC can't find mysb.com (times out)

Scenario 5 (second SBR with SN) cannot be tested due to the fact that there is no 'Choose Player' menu on SBC.
Comment 14 SVN Bot 2009-09-17 06:16:28 UTC
 == Auto-comment from SVN commit #7637 to the jive repo by richard ==
 == https://svn.slimdevices.com/jive?view=revision&revision=7637 ==

Bug #13801
Remove unused code.
Comment 15 SVN Bot 2009-09-17 08:01:36 UTC
 == Auto-comment from SVN commit #7638 to the jive repo by richard ==
 == https://svn.slimdevices.com/jive?view=revision&revision=7638 ==

Bug #13801
Don't send the playerRegister as part of the setup, this is moving to core classes.
Comment 16 SVN Bot 2009-09-17 08:04:02 UTC
 == Auto-comment from SVN commit #7639 to the jive repo by richard ==
 == https://svn.slimdevices.com/jive?view=revision&revision=7639 ==

Bug #13801
Send playerRegister always when connecting a player to SN, not just during setup/welcome stages.
Comment 17 SVN Bot 2009-09-17 09:04:45 UTC
 == Auto-comment from SVN commit #7641 to the jive repo by richard ==
 == https://svn.slimdevices.com/jive?view=revision&revision=7641 ==

Bug #13801
Find the uuid of players in waiting for server state.
Comment 18 SVN Bot 2009-09-17 12:57:02 UTC
 == Auto-comment from SVN commit #7644 to the jive repo by richard ==
 == https://svn.slimdevices.com/jive?view=revision&revision=7644 ==

Bug #13801
It was possible to not been connected to a player, and not have the Choose Player menu shown. Now if we've lost the connection to the player, show the Choose Player menu.
Comment 19 Richard Titmuss 2009-09-17 12:58:27 UTC
The different setup flows all basically work now. I'm concerned that some of the paths don't seem completely reliable, but it now needs QA.
Comment 20 James Richardson 2009-10-05 14:30:35 UTC
This bug has been marked as fixed in the 7.4.0 release version of SqueezeBox Server!
    * SqueezeCenter: 28672
    * Squeezebox 2 and 3: 130
    * Transporter: 80
    * Receiver: 65
    * Boom: 50
    * Controller: 7790
    * Radio: 7790  

Please see the Release Notes for all the details: http://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.php/Release_Notes

If you haven't already, please download and install the new version from http://www.logitechsqueezebox.com/support/download-squeezebox-server.html

If you are still experiencing this problem, feel free to reopen the bug with your new comments and we'll have another look.