Bug 4634 - Not slave 96kS/s external word clock
: Not slave 96kS/s external word clock
Product: SB Transporter
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Audio
: 18
: PC Windows XP
: P2 normal (vote)
: 7.1
Assigned To: Sean Adams
Depends on:
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Reported: 2007-01-04 07:21 UTC by Hiroshi Shibata
Modified: 2008-08-04 14:02 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Category: ---


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Description Hiroshi Shibata 2007-01-04 07:21:46 UTC
I use Transporter, TacT Millennium MK3 Digital amp and Antelope Isochrone OCX master clock.
Transporter and PC are connected by wireless network.

problem is,

Slimserver version used : 6.5.0-2006-09-19
Transporter firmware is 18, this version is Slimserver 6.5.0 included.

1. First setup (44.1kHz External Word clock)
 - selected 'Clock Source' as 'Word Clock input'
 - connected Transporter word clock input to a 44.1kS/s word clock from Antelope Isochrone OCX
 - connected Transporter AES/EBU output to Tact Millennium MK3 input
 - powerd up Transporter (unplug and plug power cord) 
 - Slimserver play 44.1kHz/16bit WAV file

 Works OK.
 Transporter slave to the external word clock.

2. Second setup (96kHz Internal Word clock)
 - selected 'Clock Source' as 'Internal'
 - connected Transporter AES/EBU output to Tact Millennium MK3 input
 - powered up Transporter (unplug and plug power cord)
 - Slimserver play 96kHz/24bit WAV file

 Works OK. 

3. Third setup (96kHz External Word clock)
 - selected 'Clock Source' as 'Word Clock input'
 - connected Transporter word clock input to a 96kS/s word clock from Antelope Isochrone OCX
 - connected Transporter AES/EBU output to Tact Millennium MK3 input
 - powerd up Transporter (unplug and plug power cord)
 - Slimserver play 96kHz/24bit WAV file

 Not Works.
 There is no usable signal on the AES/EBU output, SPDI/F and TOS too.
 As for transporter, it seems not to be able to do play 96kHz/24bit file
 that synchronizes with 96kS/s External word clock.

 I think that the cause of this problem is in the Transporter's firmware program.

Comment 1 Blackketter Dean 2007-10-26 09:01:20 UTC
Sean can you look at this?
Comment 2 Sean Adams 2007-10-29 14:16:49 UTC
(In reply to comment #0)
> I use Transporter, TacT Millennium MK3 Digital amp and Antelope Isochrone OCX
> master clock.
> Transporter and PC are connected by wireless network.
> problem is,
> Slimserver version used : 6.5.0-2006-09-19
> Transporter firmware is 18, this version is Slimserver 6.5.0 included.
> 1. First setup (44.1kHz External Word clock)
>  - selected 'Clock Source' as 'Word Clock input'
>  - connected Transporter word clock input to a 44.1kS/s word clock from
> Antelope Isochrone OCX
>  - connected Transporter AES/EBU output to Tact Millennium MK3 input
>  - powerd up Transporter (unplug and plug power cord) 
>  - Slimserver play 44.1kHz/16bit WAV file
>  Works OK.
>  Transporter slave to the external word clock.
> 2. Second setup (96kHz Internal Word clock)
>  - selected 'Clock Source' as 'Internal'
>  - connected Transporter AES/EBU output to Tact Millennium MK3 input
>  - powered up Transporter (unplug and plug power cord)
>  - Slimserver play 96kHz/24bit WAV file
>  Works OK. 
> 3. Third setup (96kHz External Word clock)
>  - selected 'Clock Source' as 'Word Clock input'
>  - connected Transporter word clock input to a 96kS/s word clock from Antelope
> Isochrone OCX
>  - connected Transporter AES/EBU output to Tact Millennium MK3 input
>  - powerd up Transporter (unplug and plug power cord)
>  - Slimserver play 96kHz/24bit WAV file
>  Not Works.
>  There is no usable signal on the AES/EBU output, SPDI/F and TOS too.
>  As for transporter, it seems not to be able to do play 96kHz/24bit file
>  that synchronizes with 96kS/s External word clock.
>  I think that the cause of this problem is in the Transporter's firmware
> program.
>  Hiroshi

This is hard to diagnose without having all the equipment at hand, but a 96KHz word clock should work fine. However, I think you are confused about the purpose of using an external clock. The word clock absolutely MUST come _from_ the DAC in order for it to have any sonic benefit. A word clock should never be used as a master clock source, except for special circumstances such as all-digital editing, or where DAC performance is not important.
Comment 3 Blackketter Dean 2007-12-27 11:47:11 UTC
Hiroshi: Is this issue resolved for you?
Comment 4 Sean Adams 2008-01-03 16:32:57 UTC
Confirmed this is NOT an electrical issue. Word clock has no problem syncing at 100+ KHz.

Possibly an intermittent glitch related to this bug: https://bugs-archive.lyrion.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4834

Still investigating...
Comment 5 Sean Adams 2008-01-31 16:45:45 UTC
Fixed in trunk 17060 / firmware 40. Word clock synching is reliable at all sample rates up to 100KHz.
Comment 6 James Richardson 2008-04-29 11:28:38 UTC
Changing fixed target to 7.1 as FW 40 will be released then, not in 7.0.1
Comment 7 Chris Owens 2008-07-30 15:33:00 UTC
This bug has now been fixed in the 7.1 release version of SqueezeCenter!  Please download the new version from http://www.slimdevices.com if you haven't already.  

If you are still experiencing this problem, feel free to reopen the bug with your new comments and we'll have another look.