Bugzilla – Bug 17540
"Some settings have changed" dialog "No" choice does not exit current screen
Last modified: 2014-08-06 10:30:33 UTC
1. Visit any SB Server web settings page. For this example, click the the "Player" tab and visit the Basic Settings page for any player. 2. Make a trivial change but do not save it. 3. Attempt to leave the page using the two dropdown menus at the top. For example, in the settings menu, change "Basic Settings" to "Alarm Clock". 4. A dialog correctly appears: "Some settings were changed. Do you want to save them?" Buttons are Yes, No, and Cancel. 5. Choose "No". You will now see buggy behavior as follows: 5a. You SHOULD be brought to the Alarm Clock page. You are not. You don't leave the current page at all. 5b. In the settings menu, "Alarm Clock" is now the selected item (there is a circular dot to the left of its name), even though we are still on the Basic Settings page. If you now choose "Alarm Clock" again, everything works properly - you are brought to the Alarm Clock page without any warning dialog. So the "No" button in the dialog is doing SOMETHING but not enough.
Fixed in 7.9.