Bug 1946 - please make error messages when failing to connect wirelessly more intuitive
: please make error messages when failing to connect wirelessly more intuitive
Product: SB 2/3
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Wireless
: 14
: Macintosh All
: P2 enhancement with 2 votes (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Richard Titmuss
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Reported: 2005-08-08 12:46 UTC by Kevin Pearsall
Modified: 2009-09-08 09:15 UTC (History)
0 users

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Category: ---


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Description Kevin Pearsall 2005-08-08 12:46:40 UTC
Problem: can't connect to wireless network doesn't mean much
Comment 1 KDF 2005-08-08 14:04:20 UTC
as this is firmware, I can't really help much, but perhaps a list of the types
of messages that could be of use might be appropriate.  A few I can think of:

"Problem: Cannot find wireless network" - meaning either the selected SSID isn't
found any more, or NO SSID's are found

"Problem: Cannot connect to wireless network" - when connection times out and
the box has given up.

"Problem: wireless security failed" - if there is a way to actually know that
its the WEP/WPA exchange that has failed.
Comment 2 Kevin Pearsall 2005-08-10 16:48:07 UTC
kdf--that's pretty much exactly what i had in mind.

the second line could have additional information as well...like:

Problem: Cannot find specified wireless network
The network name may have changed or is absent

Problem: Cannot connect to specified wireless network
Double-check encryption settings and SSID, try closer.

Problem: wireless encryption failure
The specified security settings appear to be incorrect.
Comment 3 Blackketter Dean 2005-09-07 15:36:02 UTC
We don't get much information from the wireless card.  This will be relatively hard to fix.
Comment 4 Richard Titmuss 2006-04-06 06:01:50 UTC
Additional messages have been added in firmware 37. They are:

"Cannot find specified wireless network"
    SSID is not found, it must be entered wrongly or the router is out of range.

"Cannot connect to wireless network"
    Association failed, either a setting or incompatibility problem. Depending on router model/settings this could be caused by incorrect WEP keys.

"Wireless encryption failure"
    eapol handshake failed, WPA/WPA2 password is incorrect.

"WEP encryption failure"
    WEP keys are incorrect. Depending on router model/settings this could also reported in 2 above.
Comment 5 Richard Titmuss 2006-04-06 06:05:20 UTC
Please try the latest nightly build with Firmware 37 and reopen if you have
issues.  Also, please note details of your configuration if you have not
Comment 6 Blackketter Dean 2006-04-06 07:57:29 UTC
Subject: Re:  please make error messages when failing to connect wirelessly more intuitive

Good work, Richard.

If you get a chance, can we tweak these to:

On Apr 6, 2006, at 6:01 AM, Slim Devices Bugzilla wrote:
> "Cannot find specified wireless network"
>     SSID is not found, it must be entered wrongly or the router is  
> out of
> range.
Problem: Cannot find wireless network "george".

(In many cases, the user has entered or chosen the wrong SSID, so  
printing it out will give a clue, especially if we use quotes around  

> "Cannot connect to wireless network"
>     Association failed, either a setting or incompatibility  
> problem. Depending
> on router model/settings this could be caused by incorrect WEP keys.
Problem: Cannot connect to wireless network.

> "Wireless encryption failure"
>     eapol handshake failed, WPA/WPA2 password is incorrect.
Problem: The WPA password failed.

(I want to give a hint here that it's the password, which is the case  
the vast majority of the time, but not be so specific that it rules  
out any other failure.)

> "WEP encryption failure"
>     WEP keys are incorrect. Depending on router model/settings this  
> could also
> reported in 2 above.
Problem: The WEP key is incorrect.

How does that sound?