Bug 14154 - Visual Feedback on NP for playing a new local track (play, next, prev) takes much longer than on ip3k
: Visual Feedback on NP for playing a new local track (play, next, prev) takes ...
Product: SqueezePlay
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Now Playing
: 7.4.x
: PC Other
: P1 normal (vote)
: 8.0.0
Assigned To: Ben Klaas
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Reported: 2009-09-20 08:52 UTC by Wadzinski Tom
Modified: 2011-01-14 12:06 UTC (History)
6 users (show)

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Category: ---


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Description Wadzinski Tom 2009-09-20 08:52:22 UTC
Since we elected to remove the "transport" showBriefly controls, a user has to wait more than 1.5 seconds to have any visual feedback that the song that they are playing is coming up. On ip3k players, when you hit fwd, for next, for instance, on a local track, the visual feedback is almost instant showing you the name of the next track (and the track generally starts just as quick).

On SP, on baby and jive, in particular, the next track details don't appear until the playerstatus comes back, which can takes 1.5 seconds minimum, usually.

I was doing testing with my family and they would frequently overshoot when moving forward or backward track by track, and when I compared with ip3k, there wasn't nearly the same problem.

Visual feedback of remote streams actually responds quicker in this regard than local music, because we feed the showBriefly message into the NP title area for remote streams.

There is a showBriefly messages that come back from SC much sooner that the playerstatus message that contain the name of the next track to play, but we are completely suppressing this message, since we didn't want as many popup messages to appear.

To remedy this, I have, for local streams, done the same showBriefly transformation (push it's text into the NP title area) that we do for remote streams.  I will check this code in after posting this bug.

I'd like feedback on the new behavior after you try it out. 

To test, after getting the updated fw, on the NP Screen, try doing fwd or back, or play a preset or new track. You'll see the name of track to be played appear quickly (with "Now playing" in the artist/album line, since this is what SC sends when a track is played). When the playerstatus message comes back, the "Now playing" message will switch to the artist/album name. From this you can see how long you would have had to have waited to get any feedback about the "to be played" track.
Comment 1 SVN Bot 2009-09-20 08:53:38 UTC
 == Auto-comment from SVN commit #28578 to the slim repo by tom ==
 == https://svn.slimdevices.com/slim?view=revision&revision=28578 ==

Bug: 14154
- show "now playing" showBriefly for local music in NP title area for quicker next track feedback, similar to remote streams.
Comment 2 SVN Bot 2009-09-20 08:53:44 UTC
 == Auto-comment from SVN commit #7667 to the jive repo by tom ==
 == https://svn.slimdevices.com/jive?view=revision&revision=7667 ==

Bug: 14154
- show "now playing" showBriefly for local music in NP title area for quicker next track feedback, similar to remote streams.
Comment 3 Chris Owens 2009-09-21 09:35:08 UTC
This mitigation is okay with the bug meeting participants.

However, the consensus is that the right fix is just to make the communication work faster rather than leaning on the showbriefly mechanism.

Ben said he was interested in doing the server side of this task.

The bug will be left open for the more holistic fix.
Comment 4 Weldon Matt 2009-10-04 17:46:52 UTC
Really nothing for me to do here, re-assigning to Ben
Comment 5 Ben Klaas 2011-01-14 12:06:48 UTC
what Tom checked in eons ago is going to be the endgame on this bug