Bug 11408 - UI does not respond properly to key events (trace added)
: UI does not respond properly to key events (trace added)
Product: SB Touch
Classification: Unclassified
Component: UI
: unspecified
: PC Other
: -- normal (vote)
: MP
Assigned To: Wadzinski Tom
Depends on: 11407
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Reported: 2009-03-19 13:51 UTC by Remy Bohmer
Modified: 2009-09-08 09:30 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Category: ---

backtrace (910.19 KB, text/plain)
2009-03-19 13:51 UTC, Remy Bohmer

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Description Remy Bohmer 2009-03-19 13:51:16 UTC
Created attachment 4948 [details]

I get the attached backtrace while pressing some keys in the enter ip-address error situation (see Bug 11407)
Comment 1 Blackketter Dean 2009-03-27 10:57:55 UTC
Richard: this yours?
Comment 2 Richard Titmuss 2009-03-30 09:01:55 UTC
Tom, I've had a quick look at this and don't think this bug is valid now after your changes to the text input. Can you confirm, and close.
Comment 3 Wadzinski Tom 2009-03-30 11:11:27 UTC
I can not reproduce this.  I am guessing that the various changes along the way have resolved this.