Bug 18036 - Cometd client manager fails to purge dead clients (e.g. iPad/Android apps) causing memory leakage
: Cometd client manager fails to purge dead clients (e.g. iPad/Android apps) ca...
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Misc
: 7.7.2
: All Other
: P2 major (vote)
: 7.7.3
Assigned To: Michael Herger
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Reported: 2013-04-29 14:16 UTC by Martin Williams
Modified: 2013-05-02 13:50 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Category: Bug

Proposed patch (1.68 KB, patch)
2013-04-29 14:16 UTC, Martin Williams
Details | Diff

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Description Martin Williams 2013-04-29 14:16:46 UTC
Created attachment 7698 [details]
Proposed patch

More discussion on forum: 

Using the iPad or Android apps causes LMS to leak. Basically because these
clients cannot be guaranteed to disconnect from the server in a graceful way.
The server continues to accumulate events relating to these inactive, or
simply dead, clients, resulting in ever increasing memory usage that can only
be reclaimed by restarting the server.

The apps in question use 'long-polling'.

The attached patch seeks to resolve this problem by implementing an
'autokill' timer that forcibly disconnects clients that have not polled the
server within a 'reasonable' period.

The autokill period has been set to 3 minutes. This is intended to be long
enough not to trigger on short network outages/disruption, but not so long
that an unnecessarily large queue of messages is built up. These will likely
be mostly historical and of little interest.

This parameter may require tuning to reflect the real needs of the iPad and
Android apps.
Comment 1 Michael Herger 2013-05-01 08:17:29 UTC
Thanks a lot! This issue has been bugging me for years... Patch applied to 7.7+
Comment 2 Martin Williams 2013-05-01 15:13:27 UTC
(In reply to comment #1)

Glad I could help.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this is, indeed, 'it'. I've noticed a 'leakage' problem for a couple of years or so, but I can't remember when I first started to use the Android app...
Comment 3 Michael Herger 2013-05-02 06:44:26 UTC
It's probably not _the_ solution to all memory issues, but it definitely is a big improvement (if I can say so after 3-4 days of running that code).

How did you figure out the details of the problem, btw?
Comment 4 Martin Williams 2013-05-02 13:50:52 UTC
Serendipity played its part.

I made a number of dissect and isolate attempts, following some of the leads
in the thread, e.g. start up gdresized demon to isolate image resizing, cut
off artwork requests with a 404 return, disabled gzip, etc., etc., leaving a
number of hours between each one. Got nowhere, decided to give up.

Then noticed 2MB of events flying over to the iPad when looking at network
traffic in connection with another project. So decided to follow it up, despite
having officially given up.

The debug output for Cometd is too voluminous to be able to see what needed
to be seen, but a few trace lines eventually showed me that every iPad socket
tear down was 'ignored'. Which lead to the answer.

Big improvement ? Oh yes ! I'm fully expecting the system to remain up for
some weeks before requiring attention, if not months. The more I think about
it, the more convinced I become that the leakage started when I started to
use the Android app occasionally. I have no swap file set up on my Sheevaplug,
so I know very quickly when memory has filled up.

Actually I reboot the server from a cron job at 4 in the morning if memory
usage is excessive. I was going to make a simple plugin to do it, but perhaps
it won't be needed any more. (Something like ps -o vsz $$ from perl would do.)

Touch wood !